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Steps to Survival: Navigating Social Situations

Our Social Tips & Tricks

To avoid such a fate where the only realistic outcome is at their expense Steps to Survival advises readers to engage in respectful but critical discussion, and encourage empathy towards both possible allies and opponents for the world we navigate has grown unique fears for us all. Collectively stemming from the same place - our desperate efforts for survival. While only taught how to fear and never to survive.

We ask for our audience to make efforts to learn to protect the land, and in turn, learn to survive what could have been avoided.


With core needs being unavailable to even those who have been compliant, society collectively loses trust in those in positions meant to ensure our well-being.  Which leads to predetermined social stressors when trying to form connections, for if we cannot trust those who were elected to protect our basic rights who can we trust?  Steps to Survival works to outline the long-lost ways to make connections with others, establish alliances with people who are skilled in the fields we fail in, and explain the rationality of why it is important to come together instead of drifting further apart. But amongst these steps we remind our audience of the red flags to look for, that appear within people who’ve been ignorant for so long they’ve become too afraid to accept additional support.

Attention to Our Survival Steppers:


Emotionally we’ve been spread so thin that many of us are incapable of connecting with people who sit in the same room. We take to our devices for comfort; be it texting friends, listening to podcasts, or trying to appear as though we are not alone. We invest hours into parasocial relationships with more fictitious people than those we truly will ever know outside the walls we’re lucky to be able to even rent.


But yet when called to obey so many will rise without a second thought, they will not protest when clearly wronged, and do not speak when they are not expected to, with this society risks falling prey to the dystopia of apathy, in which people rage in the privacy of their lent homes, cower in plain sight as they try to survive each day.


Continuing onward into an ignorant, blissful world where they cannot share or oppose opinions, speak of their thoughts on innovations, and rather are expected to no longer propose solutions to improve the quality of lives globally, let alone their own. 

Emotional Growth & Social Acceptance




It is important to note that in dystopia ulterior motives will always be present, with everyone collectively trying to survive. Having the ability to provide food and water and show you are capable of providing for yourself as well as others, gives your presence value to others which in the end may grant you more time to live. Teaching others these skills allows both parties who may socially or morally differ to move on from one another with hopefully no hard feelings left between them, but rather an understanding that although you may not appreciate their company, you do not wish for their extinction either. 


Leaving the company of others should not be something decided with haste, even those whose opinions are polar opposites to our own are capable of providing skills and perspectives you may never have considered before. The world can become equally dangerous as we surround ourselves with the voices and ideas of only those who share the same ideologies as ourselves we fall into what is known as  an “Echo Chamber,” referring to people who are only surrounded by like-minded ideas where they exclude any other type of opinion that differs from their own.


Additional contributions are considered to obstruct the collective objective, therefore, little room for individual thought occurs without mistrust being present. Groups of like-minded people who are simply not exposed to opinions contrary to their own will begin to believe these unfamiliar lived experiences are incongruous to their own, and are simply wrong for being different, even if innovative solutions are required to solve new issues evolved from those they failed to predict they will timelessly turn to the same solution expecting the outcome to evolve as well.


Damage Done from Our Technological Advances


We’ve become this way when algorithms began to work so well, that they became capable of polarising people. This has led to a trust crisis in the world, by giving access to seemingly limitless information, people have stopped believing and trusting what is said and promised and even the simplest efforts a stranger may make to help another has led to such social discourse that instead of giving thanks we reward those who want to help with speculation and distrust.


Remaining speculative is encouraged by Steps to Survival, as we say ourselves we simply curate the information we have deemed important for survival. The information that is provided with time will become dated, and innovations in the security of water, food, and social conduct are both expected and encouraged.


When this site was created, we did not face the issues that stand may stand before you today, therefore, we encourage you to remain speculative even towards the information we provide for your foundation, we encourage you to push for innovation that has been based upon efforts of people who genuinely want to help you with no ulterior motive beyond wanting one less species to fall into extinction.

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