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There is No Life Without Water

Water politics is a complex issue, ultimately it's about how industries, agriculture, and citizens are treated. Whenever institutions fail to appreciate the value of reliable water access; governance fails to ensure that value is allocated productively and equitably; and infrastructure fails to deliver it fairly. Human endeavors require the use of water in nearly every aspect.


When water can't be obtained, cleaned, and protected before it is used, it becomes finite. Being able to filter water, test for contamination, and pass along this knowledge is vital for survival. Without water, humans cannot survive more than three days to a week, and their state will appear deathly. It can cause severe headaches and fatigue, as well as obvious dehydration that will cause one's mind to become parched. As this state is prolonged beyond three days, it can cause short-term memory loss, mental clarity issues, and a lack of amino acids in the brain, which causes anxiety, dejection, irritability, and inadequacy. As a result, depression occurs.


This can be reduced significantly if potable water were to not be used in places where grey water would be equally efficient, and in turn if those participating in mass production we’re not only held accountable for both the water they use but the black water they create.

Ways to Ensure Water Security

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